Йохан Кройф почина от рак на 68-годишна възраст. Целият спортен свят отдаде своята почит на легендарния холандец, който по неповторим начин промени футболната игра.
„Тъжно ми е, когато научих, че Йохан Кройф е починал. Футболът загуби човека, който стори повече от всеки друг, за да направи тази игра по-хубава“, написа Гари Линекер.
RIP Johan Cruyff#FOOTBALLLEGEND#hatecancer😡 pic.twitter.com/wFUO77dnvf
— Stiliyan Petrov (@StanPetrov19) March 24, 2016
Sad to hear that Johan Cruyff has died. Football has lost a man who did more to make the beautiful game beautiful than anyone in history.
— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) March 24, 2016
Gracias por todo lo que diste al fútbol Johan Cruyff. Descansa en paz. pic.twitter.com/jHwKtwCKL6
— David Villa (@Guaje7Villa) March 24, 2016
Johan #Cruijff in 14 foto's: https://t.co/CeBVa286sr Rust zacht lieve Johan pic.twitter.com/UWyHyLBdDJ
— AFC Ajax (@AFCAjax) March 24, 2016
Diep bedroefd om het overlijden van mijn beste coach en goede vriend. Bedankt voor alles. Voor altijd in ons hart. pic.twitter.com/mrVDfwsCos
— Ronald Koeman (@RonaldKoeman) March 24, 2016
Como jugador, como entrenador. Cambiaste la historia de nuestro Club. Gracias, Johan
— Josep Maria Bartomeu (@jmbartomeu) March 24, 2016
Muchas gracias por todo lo que le diste al fútbol, al Ajax y al Barça. DEP, Johan. pic.twitter.com/LjmgDnRhLN
— Luis Suarez (@LuisSuarez9) March 24, 2016
A true legend, genius, hero...RIP Johan Cruyff. pic.twitter.com/8sBCln9JJV
— Arda Turan (@ArdaTuran) March 24, 2016
Adios a uno de los grandes de este deporte llamado Futbol. Su legado es eterno. pic.twitter.com/BHgYyYo35w
— Javier Mascherano (@Mascherano) March 24, 2016
@JohanCruyff more than a legend/ plus qu'une légende / más que una leyenda.
— Eric Abidal (@EAbidalOfficial) March 24, 2016
Gracias por todo lo que nos diste . pic.twitter.com/fIYTzY9gdg
NIEUWS | Johan #Cruijff overleden: https://t.co/rLwoaoRBUX pic.twitter.com/KV41ItCiYF
— AFC Ajax (@AFCAjax) March 24, 2016
Mis condolencias a la familia y amigos de Johan Cruyff. Deja escrita una página inolvidable en este deporte. D.E.P. pic.twitter.com/qSvpk2E75b
— Javier Tebas Medrano (@Tebasjavier) March 24, 2016
Mi más sentido pésame a la familia, compañeros y amigos de Johan Cruyff, mítico jugador y luchador incansable. Descanse en paz. MR
— Mariano Rajoy Brey (@marianorajoy) March 24, 2016
Adiós a una de las leyendas de la historia del fútbol. Jugador y entrenador adelantado a su época. DEP Johan Cruyff
— Sergio Ramos (@SergioRamos) March 24, 2016
El padre de una idea de jugar a fútbol. Un genio. Mi pésame a toda la familia y amigos. DEP. #JohanCruyff pic.twitter.com/HUFRAkRpDF
— Jorge Lorenzo (@lorenzo99) March 24, 2016
DEP Johan Cruyff. Leyenda del futbol 🙏 // RIP Johan Cruyff. Football legend! 🙏 pic.twitter.com/xVEPSeDril
— Gerard Deulofeu (@gerardeulofeu) March 24, 2016
My first coach overseas, one of the best coaches I ever had. A very important man in my career. We had a great loss pic.twitter.com/4n5IgiJQ6f
— Luís Figo (@LuisFigo) March 24, 2016
We'll always love you, Johan. Rest in peace
— FC Barcelona (@FCBarcelona) March 24, 2016
Shocked by the sad news about Johan Cruyff. RIP 🙏🏾 pic.twitter.com/L8ZOBDEfka
— Yaya Touré (@YayaToure) March 24, 2016
El meu condol a la família i amics del Johan. El meu referent. El meu mestre. El meu amic. DEP. T'estimo, Johan. pic.twitter.com/vWfI4GRoyh
— Joan Laporta Estruch (@JoanLaportaFCB) March 24, 2016
Noticia triste para el mundo del fútbol. Mi pésame para su familia y amigos. D.E.P Johan Cruyff pic.twitter.com/ERlJNmDcHc
— Iker Casillas (@CasillasWorld) March 24, 2016
Rest in peace, Johan Cruyff. pic.twitter.com/hdsems6j5g
— Liverpool FC (@LFC) March 24, 2016
Johan Cruyff. Rest in Peace. pic.twitter.com/GF11q40ZrT
— Arsenal FC (@Arsenal) March 24, 2016
@LaLiga @FCBarcelona_es Adiós a un grande del fútbol ⚽ ⚽ te acompañe a tú morada
— Ramona Mena (@ramonamena2014) March 24, 2016
Former Ajax, Barcelona and Netherlands star Johan Cruyff has died at the age of 68: https://t.co/TZzoxxe7OV pic.twitter.com/ZJrY86mgsO
— UEFA.com (@UEFAcom) March 24, 2016
Che giorni tristi, oggi ancora di più ci ha lasciato un grandissimo e leggenda del calcio @JohanCruyff RIP pic.twitter.com/UTyrrUj4uI
— Franco Baresi (@FBaresi) March 24, 2016
The '14' will never be the same. RIP Johan Cruyff. pic.twitter.com/OZxbF4Z0kO
— Xabi Alonso (@XabiAlonso) March 24, 2016