Световният номер 1 в тениса Новак Джокович имаше любопитна среща в Маями.  Сърбинът се засече с определяната за най-секки пианистка Лола Астанова.

34-годишната Астанова има американско гражданство, но е родена в Узбекистан.

„Приятели сме в социалните мрежи, но сега най-после се запознахме. Много е любезен и позитивен. Благодаря му, че ме вдъхновява. За мен беше чест да се запознаем”, сподели популярната тенисистка.


@djokernole and I have been following each other for a while now, but met in person only last night, and I wanted to share something with you. While I have been fortunate to meet many accomplished, successful and famous people in my life, oftentimes, those meetings felt underwhelming, as their personal qualities didn’t live up to their professional achievements. But for all of Novak’s truly extraordinary accomplishments as an athlete, he is an even more impressive human being - kind, humble, compassionate, curious and caring. Novak, thank you for being an inspiration, and it is an honor to call you my friend! Good luck this Friday, we’ll be cheering you on 👏🏼🎾 P.S. You guys should all check out and consider supporting @novakfoundation because you would be a part of something genuine and meaningful!

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