Двубоят на Арсенал с Брайтън от 7-ия кръг на Висшата лига беляза впечатляваща годишнина за мениджъра Арсен Венгер.
Французинът отбелязва 21 години начело на тима точно на днешната дата.
ON THIS DAY: In 1996, Arsene Wenger officially began his work at Arsenal.
— Squawka Football (@Squawka) October 1, 2017
1,185 games 👔
7 FA Cup 🏆
3 Premier League 🏆
1 unbeaten season 🔴 pic.twitter.com/fTjbkA2NR8
На 1-и октомври 1996-а година, Арсен Венгер е назначен за мениджър на Арсенал.
Arsene Wenger breaks Sir Alex Ferguson’s record for having faced the most Premier League opponents as a manager 🙌 pic.twitter.com/wKm9dskCoS
— B/R Football (@brfootball) October 1, 2017
Можете да гледате директно двубоя в GONG PLAY и по телевизия DIEMA SPORT 2.
Arsenal in the Premier League under Arsene Wenger:
— Squawka Football (@Squawka) October 1, 2017
796 games
460 wins
194 draws
142 defeats
1,496 goals
764 conceded
21 years in charge. pic.twitter.com/KCZKs0C8Bb
Arsene Wenger has now won against 116 of the 122 sides that he has faced as Arsenal manager. pic.twitter.com/QTabkzzQMV
— Chris Wheatley (@ChrisWheatley_) September 28, 2017