View this post on Instagram 🇪🇸 “Quizá nos volvamos q ver” dice... A ver lo q tarda el avispao en darse cuenta de q se ha dejado las llaves del coche en la mesilla y volver.” 🇬🇧 “We maybe see each other again”, says the moron. Let’s see how long it takes him to realize he left the keys of his car in the night table. 📷 by @jorgeogalla_oficial A post shared by Mari Cielo Pajares (@mcpajares) on Sep 9, 2020 at 12:38am PDT
🇪🇸 “Quizá nos volvamos q ver” dice... A ver lo q tarda el avispao en darse cuenta de q se ha dejado las llaves del coche en la mesilla y volver.” 🇬🇧 “We maybe see each other again”, says the moron. Let’s see how long it takes him to realize he left the keys of his car in the night table. 📷 by @jorgeogalla_oficial
A post shared by Mari Cielo Pajares (@mcpajares) on Sep 9, 2020 at 12:38am PDT